Embark on an unforgettable skiing adventure through the stunning landscapes of Ahopää and the hidden tranquility behind Vävypää. The route takes us through Rumakuru, over Vesijakopää, and toward the “four trail crossroads.” From there, we begin our ascent to Vahtamapää, where breathtaking views of the surrounding fells await.
From the upper slopes of Vahtamapää, we descend to Roopenoja and continue toward Luulampi. A refreshing break at the wilderness café recharges us for the final climb along the edge of Kettukuru – before the journey concludes in the familiar and charming surroundings of Kiilopää.
Time: On Friday 28.3. and 4.4. at 10.30 - 16.30
Price: 110€/person. Price includes guidance, back country ski set and warm juice.
The meeting place: Kiilopää Adventures, Kiilopääntie 620, Saariselkä
Equipment: Weather-appropriate outdoor clothing, a backpack, a warm jacket for breaks, spare gloves, waterbottle and snacks ( we have one longer snack break), sunglasses and sunscreen.